Each product and service is a stand alone item and carries its own product guarantee. You should fully understand what you are purchasing before you enter into purchase traction. Returns are given for defective products and carry different guarantees life spans. Refunds are not given due to the cost of transportation. Transportation, Postage and cartage are outlined in the transaction cost, and on the national transport authorities’ website. Handling fees are outlined in the total transport cost as outlines in the total price. Prices are stable but can be subject to change due to exchange rates or manufacturing costs.

Terms of Trade
Total Foot Detox operates in Cleveland Markets or Total E day Spa by appointment with 30 to 40 minute treatment sessions. We will endeavour to accommodate your preferred time . We endeavour to run on time but occasionally some clients special needs make this unavoidable. We apologise if at times you are kept waiting. Some appointments take longer than anticipated. We will endeavour inform you of any delays. Please advise staff if a translating and interpreter service (TIS) is required for your treatment appointment.
Treatment Fee
Total Foot Detox Payment is required at the time of consultation as accounts will not be issued. Our billing policy are as outlined as above, or on request. Fees are based on the length of consultation. Additional costs may be incurred for specific tests, procedures and other treatments. If you have any difficulty in paying our fees, please discuss it with us.

Repeat Treatments
Appointments should be made for all repeat treatments for review and management of your systems condition. It is recommended that a cycle of 7 be followed on the first cycle with a two week break between the next cycle. Please allow 48 hours notice of cancellation of appointment to avoid the treatment fee being charged. We only treat children above the age of nine.
We may refer you to another specialists or another allied health provider if we think this may assist your treatment, but this recommendation is at you discretion. A referral to A similar provider for the same condition or another service may attract a $20 fee if reasonable.
Telephone Contact
We are available by our 1300 336 678 phone number which is a 24 hr message service that sends a notification to our mobile phone number for telephone contact reply within 48 hrs and will only accept telephone calls by prior arrangement. In the event of a medical emergency we reserve the right to contact 000 or other medical service under our duty of care process. For non-urgent medical conditions, enquiries, you may leave a message with reception or answering service and we will return your call when available. All communication is best given at the time of a consultation.
Health Record Management
Our business is committed to preventative care. We may issue you with a reminder notice from time to time offering you preventative health services appropriate to your care. If you do not wish to be part of this system please advise your treating professional.
Electronic Communication and Business Contact.
It is the policy of our practice to communicate via electronic means in accordance with the privacy Laws however it is not possible to guarantee that electronic communications will be private. We use an SMS or email, phone systems to confirm client appointments and to send health reminders or information. Please advise reception if you do not wish to be contacted via electronic means.
After Hours Appointments
We provide after hours service to our clients through home or business visits or group functions. For urgent treatments please phone our after hour’s number or normal number 1300 336 678 or alternatively leave your details with Total E Day Spa 07 38213644 or visit Shop 3 / 39 Middle St Cleveland 4163 and follow the after hour’s contact instructions.
After hours emergency care is also available at the Public Redlands Hospital or Brisbane Mater Emergency Service.
Home Visits
Home visits are available for any clients of this practice whose condition prevents them from attending the business location. Home visits are only conducted within a 15 km mainland radius. Home visits incur a higher fee
Your medical record is a confidential document. It is the policy of our practice to maintain security of personal health information at all times and to ensure that this information is only available to authorised members of staff. We abide by the ten National Privacy Principles available at http://www.privacy.gov.au/health/index.html
A copy of our privacy policy is available for viewing at reception or treatment location.

Mark Fitzgerald – Health Professional
Shop 3 / 39 Middle St Cleveland
Po. Box 128 Cleveland 4163
www.totalfootdetox.com.au email feedback@totalfootdetox.com.au
24 hr Contact 1300 336 678
ABN 24 271 290 673