What is Ion Cleanse?
The Ion Cleanse Foot Bath is a gentle non-invasive therapy, which re-energises the body and helps support the body to detoxify naturally, helping restore your natural equilibrium and well being.
During an Ion Cleanse treatment the Ion Cleanse unit delivers a small amount of low level, electrical current into the array (electrode), which results in a reaction between the array, the water and the salt (added to help conductivity and increase the ionisation effect), to generate positively and negatively charged ions.
When the feet are placed in the water the interaction of the positive and negative ions re-energises, re-vitalises and supports the body’s innate ability to re-balance and achieve a higher state of well being.
How Does it Work?
Step 1 – The array is placed into a basin of clean water with your feet.
Step 2 – A pinch of salt is added to increase water conductivity and improve the ionization effect.
Step 3 – The Ion Cleanse delivers positive and negative current intermittently, into the array.
Step 4 – The array generates a stream of positive and negative ions.
Step 5 – Relax and enjoy a soothing 30-minute treatment.
Step 6 – Feel re-energised and re-vitalised. The Ion Cleanse supports the body’s innate ability to re-balance itself.
Why Detoxify?
In today’s toxic environment, tissue acid wastes, chemical and heavy metal residues build up in the body faster than ever before. The result for some people is an increasing incidence of allergies, mental, and physical stress, leading to decreased levels of energy and vitality.
We are born, hydrated, free of degenerative disease and with an alkaline body. Our diet and lifestyle after birth lead us to feeling acidic, dehydrated and prone to disease. A body which is acidic is more prone to disease. Negatively charged ions help restore alkalinity to our bodies, helping us feel better, healthier and more balanced.
Do you recall how you felt the last time you walked along a surf beach, or the feeling of the air after an electrical storm ? Both of these examples emulate an environment which contains a higher concentration of negatively charged ions.
The Ion Cleanse creates the same environment for our bodies to absorb these negatively charged ions, only in a much more concentrated way. With the ever increasing time pressures we experience the Ion Cleanse allows our body to experience the benefits of this ion exchange more frequently and regularly in the comfort of your own home, office or practise.
How Many Treatments?
In today’s toxic environment, tissue acid wastes, chemical and heavy metal residues build up in the body faster than ever before, resulting in an ever increasing incidence of allergies, mental, and physical stress, to name a few.
The Ion Cleanse helps promote a healthy, low-stress lifestyle and regular exercise can help support your body’s natural equilibrium and well being. When using the Ion Cleanser we strongly recommend that you take short breaks between treatment cycles.
It is recommended that people use the machine around twice a week. The maximum usage should not exceed once every two days. The number of treatments required is very individual and needs to be determined based on your individual health and wellbeing at the time of the treatment. Below are a number of alternative treatment cycles.
Option 1 – 1 session a week for 7 weeks followed by a break of 2 weeks. Following a break of 2 weeks the treatment cycle can be repeated.
Option 2 – 2 sessions per week for 7 treatments, followed by a break for 2 weeks. Following a break of 2 weeks the treatment cycle can be repeated.
Children – children older than 9 years of age can use the Ion Cleansing device. Adults should accompany and guide them during the Ion Cleansing treatment. The duration of Ion Cleansing for children should not be too long, just slightly shorter than for adults (30 minutes). Try starting with 10-15 minutes and monitor their response, before increasing the treatment time.
Users 50 years old and below – use once every two days, using 7 times continuously for a complete treatment program. The second treatment should be carried out 2 weeks after first treatment is finished.
Users 50 years old and above – use once every three days, using 7 times continuously for a complete treatment. The second treatment should be carried out 3-4 weeks after the first treatment is finished.
Why Does the Water Change Colour?
During the course of the treatment the water changes colour. The colour change is a result of the reaction between all of the variables in the water and the array This can include the type of water used (e.g. city water, well water, mineral water etc), the general state of a persons’ health and any residue from the cleaning agents used to sterilise the array between use.
Whilst some similarity exists in the colour of the water during treatments, after observing hundreds of treatments we have become more aware how the colour of the water varies between users. We are often amazed at how the colours in the water vary. We believe this may be a result of regional toxicity. The concept of regional toxicity relates to the ailments that predominate in a given area.
It is important to understand that the water will change colour even if the Ion Cleanse is operating without feet in the water. When the electrode/array is put into the water by itself, the colour will change to an orange colour. This is a distinctly different result than when feet are placed in the water.
The quality of the water from state to state or in regional areas also creates different results. After doing hundred of treatments we are still constantly amazed at the diversity of results we see.
In addition, the black flecks sometimes seen in the water can be created by heavy metals in the bath water as well as deterioration of the metal in the electrodes/array. Personal experience and recording your observations of the water during Ion Cleanse sessions will help you to better understand how the water changes colour. The colour change in the water may be a result of the water quality, salt that has been added, the reaction of the electrodes/array and the body. Some personal hygiene products may also affect colour changes in the water.
The Ion Cleanse and Ion Cleanse treatment does not claim to cure nor is it a medical device. If you or your client experience specific symptoms, health issues or a medical condition please seek advice from your primary personal physician before using the Ion Cleanse.
It is recommended that if you have any of the following ailments you should NOT use the Ion Cleanse:
• People who wear a pacemaker or other magnetic device?
• People who experience or suffer from epilepsy or seizures?
• Woman who are pregnant or lactating?
• Anyone who has had a heart transplant?
Anyone who has any of the following ailments can use the Ion Cleanse however should proceed with a level of personal responsibility. If there are any signs of discomfort, it is recommended that the treatment should be stopped.
• People taking medication for a heart condition?
• Anyone who has had a major organ transplant?
• Anyone who suffers from severe high/low blood pressure, diabetes etc
• Anyone who has had an operation where metal plates or metallic objects has been placed in their body?
• People with open wounds on their feet?
The Ion Cleanse machine from TOTAL FOOT DETOX and its components including the power supply are EC and EMC compliant, both in Australia and internationally.
ACMA Supplier Code – N15713
This C-Tick compliance label indicates that this product complies with the applicable standard and establishes a traceable link between the equipment and the manufacturer, importer or their agent responsible for compliance and for placing it on the Australian market. This compliance is administered by the ACMA – Australian Communication and Media Authority – www.acma.gov.au
Privacy Statement – full version available in web upgrade shortly
Terms of Trade – full version available in web upgrade shortly
Frequently Asked Question
Q1: How long will the treatment take?
30 minutes.
Q2: Will I feel any sensation during the treatment?
Yes and No. Some people do experience tingling sensations while others do not feel anything at all. Generally people have felt these sensations in their feet, arms or legs.
Q3: Will I suffer any side effects from the treatment?
Generally no. However, some people have experienced mild headaches, or mild flu like symptoms, after treatment. Drinking plenty of water during the treatment cycle will reduce these symptoms or totally prevent them.
Q4: Do I need to do anything during the treatment?
No. Just sit down and relax for the duration of the treatment.
Q5: How many treatments should I have?
This can vary between individuals depending on their own health and personal circumstances. 2-3 times per week. However, there must be at least 48 hours between treatments.
Q6: Is there anyone who should not have treatments?
Anyone who suffers from epilepsy, has a pacemaker fitted, has had organ implants, are pregnant or lactating, under the age of 3, has any open wounds or abrasions on their feet should not have treatments.
Q7: Can I use any type of salt in the system?
Table Salt, cooking salt, or sea salt are recommended. Avoid using rock salts.
Q8: Why does the water change colour?
This occurs simultaneously as a result of the ionisation process and the interaction of all the variables in the water / basin, including your hands / feet.
Q9: Why does there appear to be deposits floating on top of the Water?
Again, this can be as a result of the reaction between the array and the variables in the water / basin, including your hands / feet.
Q10: We live in a hard water area; will this have any effect on the treatment?
Yes, you should reduce the amount of salt you add to the water. The lime in hard water areas will cause the machines alarm to sound or the machine to switch off if the normal, recommended, amount of salt is used.
Web Site information can contain errors in content, image text requiring updating is by a web developers timing, information is the best at the time on current research, and may change from time to time. Customer are encouraged to conduct their own research before commencing a Ionic Detox treatment, in understanding their special needs.
Call us on 1300 336 678 24/7 for more information in Brisbane. Book Now!
Book In for a treatment : – Sunday Markets 7 – 1 pm
MOBILE SHOP – Your Place Home or Work – Tue – Sat by Appointment Wednesday 9- 11 am Thursday 6 -8 pm Saturday 9 – 1 pm by appointment.
Health Professional – Clinician – Mark
ABN 24 271 290 67
If you would like more information about the contraindications associated with using the Ion Cleanser please call us on 1300 336 678 We would be very happy to help you better understand the associated information with the Ion Cleanser.